A Small Note To All For This Holiday Season

If you’re reading this you probably have too much free time and should get back to work and not spend so much time surfing the internet reading band news blogs that are simply an exercise in self indulgence and self promotion.

So stop reading now!!

Ok that was a test and you failed

Still reading?

Well in that case check out all the awesome stuff we’ve been doing or are getting ready to do. Hanoukka est terminée et les flammes des menorah ont clignoté pour la dernière fois, and now it’s time for that other holiday. Bien que, we’ve had to endure the music and all the super holiday sales since Halloween it’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Je pense que le Congrès devrait exiger que Noël ne peut pas être mentionné qu'après Thanksgiving. Cela signifie pas de flocons de neige sur les tasses Starbucks, no sales, no telling people that if they really love somebody the best way to show it is with a diamond, and for the love of Christ no “Frosty The Snowman” (which due to global warming will one day be an anachronism anyway). Violation entraînera au moins 20 hours of volunteering on the special holiday suicide hot line, or maybe we’ll advertise your own personal number as the hotline itself.

Anyway love it or move to China the Noel season is upon us,and we should all be grateful, and you know what makes the perfect stocking stuffer? A Revelers CD of course!!

We are also quite excited about our next holiday (and not in a sarcastic curmudgeon way)… New Years


New years is a time where we resolve to start exercising, stop smoking, and get our lives back on track. Il est aussi un temps que nous exprimons notre amour pour l'autre rendue plus facile par la quantité prodigieuse d'alcool dans notre système.

The main reason I love new years however is that we get to spend it in the Catskill Mountains at Ashokan Fiddle and Dance camp. Il est plus que juste un parti. Il est une célébration de la vie impliquant les meilleures choses dans la musique de la vie et la danse. Parfois je me sens vraiment désolé pour les gens pauvres entassés dans Times Square en regardant la chute de la bille, and all the people trying too hard and spending too much money in a desperate attempt to have the best time ever. Je peux dire que si vous venez à Ashokan vous pourriez avoir un coup de feu.

Either way, the Revelers wish everyone peace and happiness for this season, and every season thereafter.